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accountable and transparent to our investors

Must! Financials

Collaboration. Accountability. Comprehensive Change. Sustainability.

Now more than ever organizations face unprecedented pressure of increased needs. We are prepared to meet those needs - it's who we are.

2023 Year End Financial Update

(un-audited, as of December 31, 2023)

Total Assets: $5.5M (includes Must! Endowment Fund $995K)

Community Giving Funds

  • Beginning Fund Balance: $1.8M
  • Income: $435K (general giving) + $1.3M (event income) = $1.7M
  • Community Giving Commitments: $1.9M
    • ($486K cash given with $1.6M project commitments through 2027)
  • End of Year Balance: $1.5M available for new projects in 2024.

Overhead Funds

  • Beginning Fund Balance: $1M
  • Income: $658K (general giving) + $493K (event income) = $1.1M
  • Expenses: $552K (general overhead) + $493K (cost of events) = $1M
  • End of Year Balance to carry into 2023: $1.1M 
Direct Impact Report 2023

Direct Impact Report 2023

In 2023, your investments have directly impacted thousands of individuals in our communities. Thank you for allowing us to put your giving dollars to work in the most effective ways possible through our model of trust philanthropy. We are all better off because of YOU! 

2023 Direct Impact Report